Friday, August 06, 2004

Graduation Day

Today's Graduation Day =)

I'm now offically a graduate of Nanyang Polytechnic with a Diploma in Engineering Informatics, without merit. Blah. Japheth has a certificate of merit, and he's the top student for EI, year 3 sem 2. Amazing? Maybe not till you see this pic:

shaun on left. japheth on right. Posted by Hello

Slacker number 1 and Slacker number 2. Haha, and he has certificate of merit. *Grin* Okay, he's a lot smarter. He just looks slack. Let's leave it as that shall we?

Okay, moving on! Check out "space" on the side bar. Showcasing my Chrome bag. It's pretty rare in singapore, few people carry it.

I remember 2 incidents involving my beloved Chrome bag:

Incident 1
Location: The adidas(korn - all day i dream about sex) boutique in citylink mall.
Story: While walking out of the boutique, I saw, from the corner of my right eye, a shiny metallic reflection. I paused. Taking a step back, I turned my head to the right to stare at a nerdy looking black specs doning male carrying a Chrome bag, in electric blue. I stared. He stared. The same thought must have been going through his head, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT PUNK DOING WITH A CHROME?!"

Incident 2
Location: Pumpfest bouldering competition 2003, outside plaza singapura
I was having a shit of a competition day. Struggled with the previous 3 routes, completing none, resting on a chair facing the crowd, waiting for the attempt on route 4. Japheth, Weeli and Jeryd were standing in front of me.

One of them, Jeryd I think, leaned forward and said, "Shaun, you know what, your Chrome is now going for $160". My jaw dropped. The chalk bag in my hand dropped. I bought my Chrome for $185, and that #@$!@! store owner said that was after discount, best price.

Well, its only a $25 price difference you might say, but after pumping the shit out of my sack of bones for the previous 3 routes, my brain was pretty numbed. According to my friends, I was dazed, providing them with the entertainment of laughing at me - "The look on Shaun's face when he heard the reduced Chrome bag price, priceless".

Yup, old joke. But I'm bored, and there's some problem with my project that I'm reluctant to fix. So ya, here I am crapping away.

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