Tuesday, August 10, 2004

No .. Noooooooo!

Good morning world. No .. no .. I don't feel like running. I don't want to get up! Er, my knees ache you know .. erm .. back's not feeling so good. *cough, cough* I think I'm sick.

Sigh, I'm lying in bed typing on my laptop, a bad habit that I picked up from Shanghai. Supposed to go to Weeli's house and run to East Coast Park from there, but I'm really lazy and tired .. get up soon get up soon .. now its 9:53 .. I'll get up at 10. *yawn*

A little background info. Weeli has been my friend of many years; since 1999 when we were both 15, skinny, and studying at Hai Sing. We stuck to each other like shadows then, except that he had a girlfriend in the same class .. so I think I was doing most of the sticking. Haha. Didn't have many friends in class. Um, I digress. Okay back to the important part. Secondary school has PE lessons right? PE lessons often involve running around the school right? Right. So. Let me describe a typical PE lesson involving running - Most people leisurely jogging, Weeli sprinting ahead, and Shaun walking behind, or occasionally making a valiant effort to run. As I make my way around the school's perimeter, I would feel a gust of wind and a "Hi Shaun" when weeli runs past me. If he's feeling especially kiam-pa, he'll flash me a grin and go, "Eh, Still here?". This usually happens more than once per run, meaning that Weeli is usually a few rounds ahead of me. *grumble*

Fast forward to our poly days. Yup, I have the unfortunate luck of being saddled with Weeli yet again *grin* (actually we applied together. haha.) where he dragged me to join Rock Climbing, beginning the evolution of Weeli from a sadistic skinny bastarad to a sadistic muscular one-arm-pull-up bastard with an extremely warped sense of humour. Can you imagine doing pull ups for fun? Yeah, that's part of the hanging-out-with-weeli package. In year two, we hung around pull up bars during breaks and do abt a hundred pull ups. Just for kicks. Weeli enjoyed it tremendously, you can see it in his eyes - especially when people have problems pulling up and he pulls up like he weighs nothing. That ass. =)

*Yawn* Its 10:02, but since I'm writing a tribute to Weeli, He wouldn't mind me being a little late. And considering I'm going to be subjected to his torture later on, I don't think I should care. Haha. I hope I don't die. My creaky bones have not felt exercise in a long, long time. *Gulp*.

Actually, Weeli has been rather kind to me the last couple of times we ran together. I think he realised that the gulf seperating his fitness level and mine is so wide you can fit a million elephants in it. =) Haha. Weeli, will I die? No VJC/TJC bus stop to perk me up you know. Mon Dieu. My God. Help me! Haha .. enough procasinating, time to get upppppppppp! er..4 more mins. Haha.

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