Saturday, August 14, 2004

Sweat drops keep dripping to my eyes

"Sweat drops keep dripping to my eyes .. sweat drops keep dripping to my eyes .. eyes .. eyes, sweat, keeps on dripping to my eyes, keeps on dripping .. sweat drops keep dripping to my eyes .. ", I mentally sang as I wiped sweat off my brow and occasionally out of my eyes.

I was running the final leg of the 3.something km loop from Weeli's house to Tanah Merah MRT and back again. We were running slightly faster than the snail's pace I was used to and my heart, lungs and muscles were working overtime. Through this run, I learnt 3 things. First, having long hair makes you perspire more. Secondly, one functional purpose of eyebrows is to slow down the speed of sweat drops dripping to your eyes, and thirdly, I'm really unfit.

Returned to Weeli's house a half-dead dog, shuffling behind Weeli, who coincidentally was walking with a spring in his steps. As I said, although both "Weeli" and "Shaun" are spelt with 5 letters, our fitness levels are worlds apart. Weeli's dad happened to be around, and went "Huh 3km?! That's nothing. Not like it was 30K" when he saw me puffing and huffing. Haha, so much for encouragement. Anyway, on a side note, Weeli's dad's a rock climber and formal gymnast. During one of the climbing sessions some time ago, he turned to Japheth and remarked "You know what's your problem? You're too weak. Have to do more push-ups, at least 100 every night". Japheth didn't know how to respond. I think he just laughed. I wasn't there; this incident was related to me.

Okay. Next item on the agenda was blading. We were supposed to head to the blades' rental store at East Coast Park - me in slippers, and Weeli in his own blades. Found out that it was closed when we got there and saw a kayak rental kiosk across the store. "Lets kayak", I said. How I would come to regret that statement. Haha, we rented 2 single kayaks for an hour, foolishly deciding to kayak to Macs. Basically I almost died on my way back, tired like crazy.

In between that and climbing at the rock gym, we ate bak kut teh, travelled to Bugis to meet the seller of a sony clie, which I now proudly, or not so proudly own. I expected the Clie to be a standard silver, but it turned out to be white with pink power and jog-dial buttons. A little gay. But it's a bargain at $100, so I'm not complaining =)

Okay, to climbing. Completed a few "feel-good" routes, made a few pathetic attempts at slightly tougher routes, and slacked all the way till 10pm after my hands protested "NOOOOOO. ENOUGH!". Went upstairs to do some pull-ups .. planned to do 3 sets of 10. No problem. Yeah right. Shaun 3 months ago, yeah no problem. Shaun now, BIG problem. Haha.

Here's what happened:

*Shaun and Weeli walk over to the Hang Board

Weeli : "Okay, you go first."

Shaun: "Yep .." *Holds on to Hang Board*

Shaun: *mentally* 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. "something is wrong.." .. 4 .. 5 .. "oh fuck." .. 6 .. 7 .. 8
*drops down* *stares at weeli .. jaw dropped.* *exclaims "WTF?!" and started laughing
hollowly and repeating "oh shit .. what on earth happened."

Weeli : something along the lines of "What the Hell .. you better start training".

Shaun: *mounts board* *mentally* 1 .. *drops*. "Wtf.". *mounts board* *mentally* 1 ..
*lets go of board*

Sigh, anyway I completed the 3 sets. 1st set: 8 + 1 + 1. 2nd set: 7 + 2 + 1. 3rd set: 7 + 3. Pathetic!

Anyway, I'm sure my exercise details are boring you. I'll be buying a pair of blades on Sunday, then repeat the routine on monday. Excited man. Really excited(no im not being sarcastic)

Tired .. tired .. tired, but the first knuckles of six of my fingers are swollen. Again. I LOVE IT =) How I missed it.

1 comment:

spellbound said...

I hope you don't die before you enter the army haha.