Thursday, August 05, 2004


From what you can no doubt gather from my two previous posts, I'm back from Tioman. My blog was frequently on my mind as I went about the island, making mental notes of what to blog and how to blog. Unfortunately, I forgot 80% of everything I planned. -_-"

Okay to refresh my memory, we'll start with something that's close to my heart ..


Ok now, I went to a beach resort right, and with a beautiful beach one would picture images of pretty bikini babes sun bathing or something right? WRONG! I didn't see a single pretty girl, not to mention bikini babes. Gosh. In fact the prettiest girl I saw in the past 4 days was a CNN newscaster on television! Sigh. Anyway her name was Kristie Lu, Chinese American. Pretty pretty =)


Cycling, or an attempt at cycling. The resort I stayed in was the Berjaya Beach Resort, and those of you who stayed there before would recall the disgusting (shut up weeli, i know you like slopes) slopes that lie in between the resort entrance and the village. San Francisco on Tioman man.

Anyway, my mum's husband and I rented 2 mountain bikes and proceeded cycling towards the village. I saw the first hill, switched the bicycle to 1st gear and sped up it. No problemo. I was panting a little, but I thought what the hell, I can do this. I came to the second hill and cursed. Bloody steep. Picked up speed a little and sped, no, struggled up the hill, using all of my weight to push the pedals down, one at a time, slowly. Made it to the top, turned and saw my stepdad struggling, perspiration dripping down his face. He's fourty-four.

We then came to the third one. And this, is one (*#^@$@! of a steep hill. We exchanged looks, shooked our heads, mumbled something about how the return trip would be torture, and went down the slope behind us.

Now, that was my attempt at cycling. Haha. I suck. But hey, I was sick you know, fever. *grin*


I was snorkeling in shallow waters, tracking the movements of individual fishes, following them, observing as unobtrusively as possible. Really, I think a fish's life is terribly simple. I saw a school of fishes, okay, a group of 6 to be exact, just stoning! Motionless - no, they're not dead. Wonder what goes through their mind as they stone. Maybe : "When does that stupid 4 legged fish intend to scram anyway".

Swimming away from the particular school of stoners, I came to this clump of rock and corals where different type of fishes gathered (in contrast to deeper waters, it's relatively difficult to find "fish activities" in shallow waters")

I saw this punk of a fish, middle-sized, bigger than some of the fishes, smaller than some others chasing every smaller fish that crossed its path and even some that happen to find themselves in the field of vision of this particular punk fish. Obviously the punk ignored the bigger fishes, prefering instead to snip at the sides and tails of smaller fishes. I observed this punk's behavior for a couple of mins I think, then I told myself, the next time this punk snips at a smaller fish I'm going to teach him a lesson.

I waited, and sure enough, that punk chased down another small fish and nibbled it a little. The smaller fishes are obviously too big for be eaten by that punk, he's just doing it for fun. Crazy bugger. I took a deep breath, spat out my snorkel, and went after that bugger. Haha. I went after him with my right hand outstretched and my fingers in the shape of a crawl. That punk FLED. Haha. I chased him around a little bit, until I ran out of air, than I kicked myself up to the surface, disturbing the whole community of fishes in the process.

Nevertheless, I chalked that up as a good deed of the day. *Grin*

Okay thats all folks. Enough for now.

1 comment:

janet said...

sounds pretty fun cept the cycling upslope part. =) cmon, more pics!