Sunday, August 08, 2004

What a night.

She's back. Fled to pasir ris to find Daryl, headed to Elias mall for a simple dinner. Ended up with a black pepper crab, dish of sambal kang kong, and sliced beef. $25 per head. Haha, passer-bys would probably think one of us struck 4d.

Met Qingwei, went for car ride to jurong to drop off his gf, went to sentosa - or rather, the entrance to sentosa .. heard "$8" .. made a U-turn, went to Harbourfront, bought 2 lousy alcoholic sodas, looked for a way to the waterfront, found none, ended up sitting on the stairs.

Jiaju and gang arrived, chatted a little, then a convoy of 1 merz, 1 sonata and 1 caddy made its way to kallang stadium waterfront, had booze and many crazy rounds of bridge .. really crazy bridge. Stupid Jia An. Starting Bid - "2 no trumps". Crazy bugger.

After bridge, when to Gelyang .. (shit how to spell? Geylang?) .. 126 for dim sum, THEN finally came home. Now its 4:02am and I have to be in church tomorrow by 9am for bible study class.

Mon Dieu.

je la reverrai demain. un dieu m'aident.


Anonymous said...

stop running....hurt and be healed...

Shaun said...

Haha. Yup, yup. pepper crabs =)~