Tuesday, October 04, 2005


When someone presents an argument, I take up the opposite side. I can argue for hours just for the sake of arguing. Sometimes backing up my statements, sometimes plucking rebuttals and opinions from thin air.

Long ago, Shalene argued against the death penalty. I must confess that up to the point in time when she brought it up, that particular topic never crossed my mind. I never thought about it. But I find myself typing furiously, arguing for the death penalty. Now, many years from that conversation, I have my own opinion.

The death penalty is wrong. Two wrongs don't make one right. The state hiding behind their constitution, or laws, and taking a life is wrong. Every man hung in Singapore makes the government of Singapore murderers. Even drug trafficking is punishable by death. Sure, you can argue that the drugs will bring harm, and ruin to many of their consumers. But does this warrent the murder of the drug trafficker? My stand is, no.

Of course, reading John Grisham's "The Chamber" might have influenced my views. I might have borrowed his views and made them my own. How do I differeniate between the two? I've no fucking idea man. But it's a start.

I remember arguing with Jun about our government, and after bringing her blood temperature to near boiling point, I shrugged and said, "Actually, I don't really care". And after spending the better part of a week dissing our ruling party, I said that I wouldn't actually stand up against them. I couldn't be bothered to.

Hrms. Reflects a lack of character don't you think. A certain unwillingness to take a stand. My opinions are modular, they can be easily plugged in, out, switched around, if you get what I mean. That's going to change. For obvious reasons, I won't be making a political stand right here on my blog though *grin*

It's a start .. I'm picking myself up. I'm filling in the emptiness, maybe I'll discover who I am. Or if I don't find anybody residing within me, then I'll make him up as I go along. God has to help me. He has to. He will la =D

I'm resuming my friendship with Charis, picking up where we left. And it feels good.

I'll treasure my friendships .. I'll treasure my God. I'll cherish them. All of them.

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