Monday, October 31, 2005

So, here we are again

Here I am again, typing on my blog after a nice warm bath. Nothing like a good clean scrub and a hot shower to ease any weariness that built up in the day, or days past =)

I've been exercising regularly for a month? Feels like a long time, and I'm not seeing much results. Could be due to the way I exercise, not intense enough? Not enough climbing ;)? Or maybe there's something wrong with my diet. I refuse to take any protein shakes though, only the occasional recovery drink when I do push myself hard enough, which is at least a week back. I guess I'm just not mentally strong enough to push my body beyond its limits.

I remember thinking to myself one day as I was walking home some time back. "Let your body keep up with your mind, and your mind with your dreams". Pretty self-explanatory yeah? But I think I've been letting my body dictate when to give up. Like when I feel pain, I stop. When I feel tired, I stop.

I've been trying to strengthen my mind. Like how example, when I tell myself I'll go for 5 laps(ok ok i know 5 laps is pathetic.), I'll make sure I complete them, no matter how tired I get in the first lap. And after I do the 5, I'll go for another lap. Pushing my mind, proving to myself that I can do it, that I'm capable of more my body gives me credit for. Anyway I think I can do a lot more than a pathetic 6 laps at a stretch la .. I'll do more the next time I swim.

Climbing would be the best way to build mental strength. I must climb more .. really, really. And I'm going blading tomorrow, gotta push .. resist the urge to glide .. keep striding .. and of course try not to fall.

I've so much growing to do. And I need to exercise my mind .. knowledge-wise. I'm 21. What have I accomplished? Going after girls is fun .. but surely there's more to life than that :D

Out with Daryl and Qingwei now!

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