Saturday, November 26, 2005

Black Out

There was a power outage in camp today. The whole building where my squardon resided was affected. That means, no air con, no lights, no ventilation, no nothing. And, considering that the bunks are in the middle of the building with no windows, the black-out made for a very unpleasant situation. Stale, hot air and near pitch-black darkness. We had to use a torch just to get around.

So what did I do? I fled. Haha. Once I found out that the power will only be restored on Sunday night, I woke one of my sergeants up and asked for time off. 12 hours. Ostensibly to go to Sitex, but of course the real reason was to escape the discomforts that were sure to follow. I couldn't have left sooner enough. At 6pm, the water went out. Imagine, no power, no water! Whew.

Anyway, I'm going back in half an hour's time. My time off expires at 0030hours. Sigh, I wonder how I'll sleep tonight .. in mustiness =)

Hrms. So. I did go to Sitex, with Daryl and Serene, feeling pretty much the 3rd wheel I was. Grabbed a Creative Muvo for my officer, and headed off to meet Jun for dinner.

Had Phin's at Tampines Mall where the service totally stank. Bring me back to their original outlet at Bugis any day man. The service there rocks. The waiter even recognised, and greeted me cheerfully every time I visited.

My writing's weird today .. I feel like a primary school kid.

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