Sunday, December 04, 2005

da dream part ni

Hrms, the last time we checked in, our hero was chasing after his lost eyeball, finally finding it and stuffing it into his jeans pocket. The eyeball looked like a miniature brain from the anti-smoking ad. You know, the pink, bumpy thing with blue veins running ard? Well the eyeball was almost perfectly round, had that texture minus the blue veins, and had a hole the size of .. a couple of needle-heads. I know, it doesn't sound like an eyeball at all, but that was how it was like in the dream.

With the eyeball safely in his pocket, our hero(ie: me) decided to make his way to the hospital, the conventional way. Ambulances were out of the question for something as small as one's eyeball popping out and rolling away, so our hero called for a taxi. While waiting for the taxi, our hero kept splashing water on the eyeball with some weird notion that it would keep the eyeball, fresh. The taxi never came, and being the impatient joker that I was, I burst out into an acrobatic sprint towards the direction I reckoned the nearest hospital was in. Leaping over railings, side-skipping irritating obstacles like people walking innocently on the road and speeding cars, running across a busy courtyard, along fountains, and constantly wetting the disembodied eyeball with any source of water I could find.

I remember pausing for a conversation several times in the courtyard, pausing, grinning, laughing, and proceeding on again on a seemingly endless amount of stamina. Sigh. If only that was true in real life *grin*

Anyway, I made it to the hospital, produced the said eyeball to an insouciant doctor who restored it to my eye socket. Woke up shortly after that.

Not as morbid as Glenn's dream. That was ultimate man. Check out his blog .. an entry 2 months ago I believe.


I was just reading Harry Potter this morning and suddenly it occured to me. If magic can regrow missing bones, heal all sorts of ailments, and can basically do almost anything, why is Harry Potter still wearing specs? Why can't someone heal his eyes. And if magic can produce a chair from thin air, conjure up sauces when cooking, etc, why do people need money. And if post owls can find a person no matter where he is, without needing an address, then why are there still furgitives that successfully evade capture.


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