Friday, March 24, 2006

Life is Wonderful

Isn't a song entitled "Life is Wonderful" supposed to make you feel energetic, optimistic and full of zest? Something like DBS' commercial "Life is Beautiful". However, Jason Mraz's "Life is Wonderful" sounds kind of depressing to me. Or maybe it's cause I just watched Smallville again.

Smallville freaking breaks my heart man. And now we can't blame Clark for being a wimp. Now we admire his resolution, and the pureness, if i may say so, of his love for Lana. He knows that telling her his secret would endanger her, and it has been proven - sort of. Sigh.

I have the mathematical ability of a primary school kid. I'm entering Uni in august where I'll have to be more than proficient in JC level maths and more. How the fuck am I going to survive? I can start studying now, but how am I going to cram years of work into a couple of months of part-time self study?

Happy 21st Birthday Junmei =D

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