Tuesday, August 22, 2006

First Rock Climbing Training

Japheth and I got into the trial week of NUS Rock Climbing Team. They're going to observe us for one week, and decide who stays and who gets demoted into the climbing sub-club; that means recreational climbing.

So, tonight was our first climbing training session, only that we did not even touch a single tile. Instead, we went for an approximately 8km run. I've never ran more than 4km in my entire existence, so that was definately a challenge.

The route was from the climbing gym at the Sports and Recreation Centre in NUS down to School of Computing, then up across the overhead bridge out of NUS towards Dover. We then run one big round, pass the ITE, UWC, Singapore Poly, down to the Singtel building, towards the AYE entrance towards Keppel, cross the road, and continue running towards NUS, pass the Conservatory of Music, pass School of Design only to turn in at the next NUS entrance. This was where I died and started walking.

After a while, I started a slow jog again, and managed to make it back to SRC alive, although only barely. After that we did 3 sets of static exercise.

Each set consists of:

1) 20 sets of 4 count flutter-kicks
2) 30 push ups
3) 20 crunches
4) 5 "typewriters" which basically mean pull ups but you pull first to your left, then to your right, and that's one count.
5) 1 min of ... hm .. you support yourself on your forearms and toes. Works your back and abs.
6) 3 sets of 5-second varying-degree static hangs on the pull up bar

I'm exhausted. Mondays will be like that in the future. Only Wednesdays and Saturdays are for real climbing trainings.


I corrected some tenses and grammertical(right spelling?) errors I noticed after posting. There are still others .. but I'm really tired. Live with it..

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