Saturday, September 09, 2006

Post Birthday Update

Went drinking last night at The Labyrinth with Daryl, Jianming and Qingwei with the sole intention of getting drunk, and well, I succeeded. The whole pub knew I was drunk. I puked once outside the toilet, once in the toilet bowl, and once outside the pub. Had Jim Beam, Vodka, and the house poison. I suspect it's the combination of Whiskey and Vodka that knocked me over the edge; I was feeling perfectly sober until I started on the Vodka.

Oh and I have to note the total lack of mercy on the part of my friends. Even after I was wasted and dying to get out of the pub after puking in the toilet and staggering back to my seat, they insisted on singing two more songs on the karaoke. Wth!! Sigh. Nvm. Oh and I owe Daryl $99.

Also, more friends sent their birthday greetings throughout my birthday. Thanks =) Especially to Shalene, who remembered my birthday for the first time in God knows how many years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Shaun, take care of urself man. Feels good being drunk and high, but the after effects that comes with it the next morning sucks, especially if you wake up and discover it is Sunday evening. :x. Enjoy urself, and to hell with maths. Arghh... haha.