Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I'm sleepily trying to read my Management and Organisation Textbook. Or rather, I was trying until I decided to blog about my as-of-now horrible day.

Started the day at 715am, doing last minute revision for my Computer Organisation mid-term test at 9am. Thought I was sufficiently prepared, and that since it was an open-book test, it shouldn't be a problem. Boy. I was wrong. The test was 45mins, and, at least to me, damn bloody tough. I wrote gibberish in 2 questions worth a total of 9 marks, and the test is upon 20. I need a miracle to pass. This will be my second failing this semester unless there's some form of divine intervention.

Buck up, buck up! Study! Climb! Program! A million and one things to do. Ok, back to reading, then off to climbing training before coming back and writing a mini-paper on "Happy people are productive people!" for my Management tutorial tomorrow.

I'm a happy guy. I should be productive. Haha.

Daryl and I slaving away at Qingwei's house

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