Friday, April 20, 2007

The day before

Tomorrow marks the beginning of my exams. Economics at 1pm, 60 MCQs in 2 hours. I guess I should be thankful that I don't have to write essays for it but taking Economics with a bunch of JC students who took the subject for their A levels and are just taking this module to collect an A is pretty stressful. What happened to taking a module because of unadulterated thirst for knowledge?! Ha ha.

Everybody I talk to has a CAP higher than mine. We can be bitching about slacking and not understanding a single shit, and suddenly I pop the question, "eh whats your cap ah?" and get the answer, "oh, 4.1 but that was just beginner's luck la!" funny though, they're in the same year as me so what beginner's luck?!

Time to study!

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