Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I had been chilling my can of Swedish beer, Spendrups in my fridge for the past few days in preparation for an impending beer craving. The craving came ten minutes ago, leading me to happily wash my Erdinger tall glass, dry it with a paper napkin and retrieve the Spendrups from the fridge. Ah, beer, I thought.

Aligning the opening of the can carefully at the glass' rim, I tipped the can and watch a steady stream of a rich dark brown liquid flow smoothly into the glass as I gradually tilted the glass to an upright position. With approximately one-tenth of the beer left in the can, I swirled it a couple of times and poured the remaining into the middle of the glass, creating a nice foam head.

Finally. I lifted the glass to my nose and took a little sniff, expecting the comforting aroma of good beer but instead was greeted with a slightly sour smell. Strange. I took a sip, and yes it did taste sour and a little..tangy. My eyes moved slowly from the glass of beer in my hand to the crushed can in the thrash bin. No, it couldn't be. I set the glass down, reached into the bin and retrieved the can.

The neatly printed text at the bottom of the can confirmed my worst fear, the damn beer was expired. 03MAY07. DAMN.

Lesson learnt. Don't hoard your beer for too long.

UPDATE: My Theakston XB Legendary Ale that I bought from Tanglin Mall expired 1 week ago. My other can of Spendrups is expired too. ARGH. I WANT A DRINKKKKKKKKKK

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