Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Low Notes

I finished Albert Camus' The Stranger, and it had a poignant end.

I finished the third season of House, and it too, had a poignant end.

And the common strain, Loneliness, arguably man's greatest fear. Everything we do can be attributed to an innate need for company, for fellowship. One might even argue that the worship of higher entities, and the belief in omnipresent deities is a human effort to fend off Loneliness. One fights for higher social standing, for wealth, for power. With this comes company, comes fellowship.

Friends and family, the pillars of our lives. One needs to focus on the people who matter, who truly care, and not waste precious time on those who don't.

A relationship. Having someone unrelated, with no obligation or natural inclination for affection towards you, love you. With this, you feel wanted, needed, alive. For this, people seek love. And with this, we see why it's said, that the greatest love of all, is God's love. A love that isn't earned, sometimes even shunned yet still persists and gently knocks ..

And so, we love. And along comes Lust, and Pride. Pride that proclaims that only people worthy of loving you, should have the privilege of doing so. Lust that disguises as Love, sometimes subtly, sometimes with bribes of Pleasure and Indulgence.

Do you agree with me? Or am I, as usual, bullshitting. =)

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