Saturday, July 21, 2007


Ugliness in my books is the lack of physical attractiveness. A friend recently told me that to her, "nobody is ugly". I refuted her with a spontaneous definition of Ugly which I shall reiterate here. To some, this is simply common sense, but maybe others might find it interesting, so here goes.

Ugliness is the lack of physical attractiveness. Ugliness, is also relative; one man's meat is another man's poison, ya? Which means that when I say a person is Ugly, it simply means that I do not find her physically attractive - that her looks do not appeal to me. Is this in any way superficial? No, right?

Along these lines, everybody finds some people ugly. Sometimes they don't admit it. I do, and I get branded as being superficial. Not that I really mind, but I just thought I should defend myself a little =)

The problem is when people's criteria for a partner stops only at physical attractiveness. I go a little further than that ..

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