Saturday, September 29, 2007

have you ever hidden something so well, you forget where you hid it? it's somewhere in the depths of my soul and it's falling deeper into the abyss with each passing day. Every remark, every thought, every action pushes it further away from the surface. i can't help myself, i can't help the things i say, the thoughts that run though my mind. what was once put on has gained ground and taken dominance. and like it or not, this is who i am.

habits, they say, are formed with every action. it's like in a rpg game where the more you use a skill, the more experience you gain and the stronger you become in that area. over emphasize and you end up unbalanced.

experiences, they, say, molds your character. or rather, how you handle what life dishes out - or what you pig-headedly get yourself into - first reflects your character, then goes on to change it.

take then, nothing in life, lightly. do not be careless with your words, nor your actions, for there's no such thing as a meaningless action; nor one without consequence.

nope, nothing happened to me. just observing.

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