Friday, January 18, 2008


What does it mean to love a person? Or at least to claim that you love a person. Obviously you want to possess the person, to make the person yours. Cause love usually comes coupled with lust and the only way you're going to get to satisfy that lust is to make the person of your affection or desire yours.

Of course not everybody thinks that way. I, for one, don't. But looking at the extent some people go to win a girl's heart just makes me sick. Love has nothing to do with it. Genuine concern for the person's well being goes out the window and nothing else but winning matters.

No freaking idea what I am talking about? Ok listen to this, then decide if you agree with me.

We have our guy, let's call him Scumbag and two girls, Mary and Jane. Scumbag likes Mary. He doesn't really know her, has only superficial conversations with her, but he loves her. Or he thinks he loves her. His heart skips a beat when he sees her in school, and so addicted he is to that fluttering of his heart that he stalked the places she frequents, like the central library and forum, hoping only to catch a glimpse of his true love whom he doesn't really know. He does things for her in secret, not revealing his identity cause that doesn't matter, all that matters is that she's happy.

Mary and Jane are friends. So are Scumbag and Jane. Scumbag had been confiding in Jane about his infatuation-related misery. Oh, no wait, it's the misery of love. Poor guy had been trampled upon, abused, ill-treated by the girls he love because, as he put it himself, he's dumb, stubborn, and committed. Wouldn't you want a guy like this, girls? Warms your heart doesn't it.

Back to our story. Scumbag whines to Jane, and Jane comforts Scumbag. And then Mary got attached. Naturally, our dear Scumbag was devastated, and Jane was there to catch him. To be a friend. Ah hah. What do you think happens at this juncture? Watchers of the world will be able to guess. The Scumbag fell for Jane!

So begins the campaign for Jane's heart. They work together, so proximity is not a problem. In fact, it's an advantage. The onslaught of sweet gestures coupled with choice lines of flirtation and innuendo caught Jane by surprise, especially since she was still under the impression that Scumbag was in Love with Mary. Good cover, eh?

Jane's discomfort grew over time, and eventually she broke. Asked Scumbag, more or less, to stop flirting with her. To stop screwing with her mind. Scumbag, our dear friend, was furious. What's wrong with being nice? Is that a crime? He's nice to everybody, he says. Yeah, I'm sure.

Ok I'm getting bored of our story, so let me summarize. First, Scumbag denied being interested in Jane. She was just, in his words, someone very important to him. Then, he said, oh no, he did fall for Jane. But he didn't know it! Only when his friends told him did he know. Poor, poor, undergrad. Next, he said he was fine, and realised after all that Jane is nothing more than a very important friend. And lo and behold, he STILL likes Mary! Exciting, eh.

He asked Jane out for dinners and got upset when she turned him down. I find that mildly ridiculous, but let's go on. Anyway, he continued doing sweet gestures for Jane, like buying chicken rice for everybody and announcing that he bought a special for Jane - Botak Jones. Great friend.

And then. Jane got attached. Poor Scumbag. Again, he sank, or seemingly sank, into depression. Whined about how he's too nice, that he got deceived and cheated. Beneath Jane's innocent facade was a cheat who toyed with his poor unsuspecting heart.

Does Scumbag give up now? No, he merely changes tactics. Some of you might know this tactic. Be extremely sweet, then suddenly withdraw. So your mark feels empty and hopefully realises that she can't live without you. Something like that. Scumbag takes it a step further. He not only withdraws, he turns mean. When once he used to uplift, now he demeans. He takes it so far, he reduces Jane to tears. And then he shows concern for a while, lulling Jane into the false belief that all is over. They can finally resume their platonic friendship.

Boy, was she wrong. Scumbag was incensed that his tactics failed, and re-doubled his efforts. Bah. Just typing about this disgusts me. When you love a person, you don't intentionally hurt the person, for crying out loud. If you're trying to trick the person into bed, maybe, but not when you LOVE the person. Talking about Love like that makes me feel like fourteen. But that's what Scumbag is, childish. It's like going to a pet shop, liking a puppy, then finding out that shit, he can't afford the puppy. So, he sneaks into the pet shop at night, and burns the puppy alive.

Disgusting, and twisted. Be mean, and hurt the poor girl. Then go, "Why are you upset? I am always here for you. You can talk to me! :)" Don't you realise that YOU are hurting her and that she's just too nice. So nice that she's afraid she'll hurt you. Scum.

Lucky for her, she's Christian. And there's comfort in knowing that God wouldn't test her beyond her abilities. One can't be expected to keep turning the other cheek till one gets beaten to death.

But if I have my way, Scumbag, I'll spit into your twisted face. And yes I know you'll read this.

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