Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Watching the Dark Knight left me with a profound sadness. The movie tries to bring some Light into the darkness through the Joker's little sociological experiment, but in all honesty, I'm sure that if that particular experiment was repeated in society, one of the two entities involved would have gone up in flames.

The sadness lingered with me as I bused home, and as I looked inwardly at my current state, I realized I'm so broke that I can't afford to put all my money on a counter.

In these troubled times, I have to diversify; it's my only defense. One more wrong choice and I would be wiped out. I would be floored, lying as Lestat did on the cathedral floor in his velvet jacket. I have to diversify, tide through this rough patch, and hopefully, when the outlook of the economy's better, place my bets on one choice counter.

I know I don't make any sense, but do watch The Dark Knight!

1 comment:

tong said...

something similar has been done!
wiki "prisoner's dilemma"