Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Spinning Coin

It's an awful lot easier to be yourself, when you're by yourself. Alone with your thoughts you can be anybody you want to be. It's when we're with people who know us that it is difficult. People form impressions of you, and it's that side of you that they expect to see when you meet them.

You'll expect someone fond of beer to suggest hitting a watering hole, and a superficial friend to laugh at the whale in shimmery pink leggings. People won't expect a person they know as an animal lover to kick a passing stray, or a deeply committed boyfriend to start waxing lyrical about a passing girl's ass. In an almost subconscious response, you conform to such preconceived notions of yourself which in turn further reinforces the impression your friends have of you.

It might have been worth a couple buckets of laughter, but I'm tired.

If there is indeed an end, this is the beginning of that end.


valeriejayne. said...

ure back! with your wonderful logic. very true, Shaun. but took me a moment to understand why whales would wear shimmery leggings haha

Shaun said...

I saw one. True story. haha.