Monday, April 19, 2010

For the Love of Cow

I seem to always end up being the one preparing and grilling steaks at cook-outs - if, I think the meat's of good quality. It just pains me to see gorgeous meat adulterated with half-ass marinates or treated with a lack of respect for the deceased cow; like cutting a beautiful one inch thick New York steak into half length-wise and turning it into western food stall grub.

Someone did just that at the NUSEA + Singapore Connect picnic yesterday, and it was all I could do to keep a smile plastered on my face as Aunties expounded on the merits of a thinner steak while the culprit was slicing my poor steaks into half.

Yes, I'm a bigot. And I never cook steaks past medium-rare .. intentionally :D

1 comment:

KateBannet said...

Most essays are dramatically improved by careful editing. If possible, put your essay aside for a few days before you try to edit. This gives you time to think further about your answer and arguments and return to your work with a fresh perspective