Saturday, August 07, 2004


shaun says:
okok i must tell u this
shaun says:
i was snorkeling near the beach..shallow waters
shaun says:
then i saw a couple of fishes nibbling a round white object
shaun says:
abt the size of a turtle egg
shaun says:
i observed a few mins..then i felt certain it was an egg of sorts..
shaun says:
dived down..gingerly picked it up..then made my way towards the tree where step dad and mum were resting
shaun says:
they took one look..stared at me..and said.."shaun its a rambutan."


janet said...

i burst out laughing out loud man. even my 2 neighbours came over and looked at what i was reading. one went "HAHAHAHAHA". the other went "diao". but, it's a gd one shaun. it's so u lor. =)

Shaun said...

Thanks ah. Now that brings us to the million dollar question, are they pretty? HAHA. Now, THATS so me. haha

Anonymous said...

Totally Hilarious!!!!