Sunday, August 01, 2004

Roman Emperor to Sick Puppy

I'm sick. Woke up this morning feeing like a train hit me, or a rail slug was shot through my middle section. To put it simply, I woke up sick. Crawled out of bed and started work on the youth newsletter. No, its not that I'm very committed and still insist of working even though I was sick, it's just that I was supposed to have completed it yesterday and they need it for today's youth service. So, I did it. Sleepily cut and paste stuff, arrange the formatting, walk over to Jasmin's computer, copy her cover article to my thumbdrive, come back to my laptop, plug it in, cut paste, format, put in thumb drive, walk over to her pc, printed, realised it was printed in "letter" size, cursed a little, set the print size to "A4", printed again, told my aunty to bring it to church for me, message Pearl to account, and promptly went back to sleep.

Felt like puking. Tried not to move so as to keep the contents of my stomach in my stomach and pray the damn gastric juices work more efficiently. My gastric juices suck. They're really lousy I tell you. I have a freaking weak stomach. Had food poisoning the day after my baptism last year. Had a "rare" steak at Swensens, WhiteSands on the baptism night, slept well. Next day, went church, after church went bugis food court to eat Sen Mian, or crispy noodles, lived through the day and went to sleep around 12. Woke up at 4 .. made it to the doorway of my room, fell prostate and proceeded to puke my guts out. I looked at amazement at the green chillies and whole leafy vegetables that managed to survive in my stomach for so many hours. After cleaning up the mess i attempted to return to sleep but my stomach kept churning, threatening to throw up once again. Sigh, what am I doing, this is a long and boring story. Anyway so as not to leave my readers hanging, the summary from that moment to the end of the story is that I woke my uncle up, convulsed like crazy on the floor of the lift, he laid hands on me and prayed for me, helped me to his car, went to hospital, got a jab, puked and shited in his car on the way home, came home, showered and placed a pail beside my bed while I slept. The pail was half full by the time I recovered, and stinking like crazy.

That, together with another episode where I ate a rojak of different foods and a unhealthy amount of beer, resulting in a bout of stomach flu and cause me to puked ard 10 times, made me adverse to puking. I rather hold it in me than to convulse and puke. The pain in my chest when i puke is just killing.

Back to present time. I just puked. And I feel a whole lot better. Which differeniates this case of stomach upset to the previous two. Only problem is that I have fever too. The #@!$#@ host of the steak party last night was SICK. And we shared forks. Sigh.

Christians out there, pray for my speedy recovery. And I mean speedy, express, fast, fast, haiyaku, haiyaku! I'm going tioman tomorrow. Don't want to be a sick puppy padding along the beaches.

Oh man this post contains a lot of gross stuff huh. Hope none of you are eating while reading my blog. When it comes to Shaun, don't take any chances.


jun said...

hey! Are you okay? If it persists see a doc k.. it sounds serious! I'm worried.. anyway hav a safe trip! Dun worry about the stupid codes tat i asked about... just take care of your health..

Shaun said...

thanks liz and jun for you concern :)

i'm feeling a little better, chest still feels a little funny, like threathening to puke anytime. but my fever has subsided. slept a lot today. hopefully i'll be up and jumping by tomorrow ..

and jun, if you still need help with e codes when i get back i'll try to help you ya?