Sunday, October 09, 2005


I think I've been deprieving my body of sleep so often that it has forgotton how to sleep. I just tried napping, and I realise more than an hour as passed before I decided to give up and get out of bed.

This was what happened, described as best as I could.

I feel a consciousness going to sleep .. one part of me remained awake .. and I feel myself dreaming. I know exactly what I was dreaming about and what I wanted to dream about. Gently I nudged my dreams .. but at every turn, every avenue I tried, it was blocked. It was furstrating - for an hour I kept trying, and I got uncomfortable. I was aware of the blanket over my body, the pillow case against my cheek, and the puddle of drool forming on it. When I opened my eyes, I stared at something, but drifted off, seemingly still staring at the wall, but mind already dreaming. About the same things. I was just waiting to fall asleep .. waiting .. and dreaming.

Sleep deprievation. Maybe that's what happens when you sleep 6 hours in 2 days, have training in camp, club, drink alcohol, play rugby, and wrestle in the sand, go to church, sit through a sermon, go out for lunch, shop, and play computer games.

Lucid dreaming? The term comes to mind .. but I don't really know the defination. I feel .. a little rested, yet tired at the same time. I'm hungry. And the dreams are fading even as I type. I'm forgetting them.

This would be a candidate of the "nonsensical post of the year" award.

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