Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Yes, here I go again.

Standing amidst waste and squalor, the prodigal son contemplates his return.

Sin is squalor. It is filth. Yet, Sin is also attractive. And being in the clutches of Sin for too long a time breeds inertia, a resistance to change. Perhaps the knowledge that salvation's a prayer away lulls the mind into sinful complacency. The problem is that the longer one wallows in the pit of Sin, the harder it is to crawl out.

With Sin comes the price of being distant from God. He cannot stand sin, and he who sins knowingly and without seeking forgiveness cannot stand in His prescence. I fit that bill. I can't remember the last time I read the bible for the sake of seeking Him, praying because I want to bare my soul to Him, or living like I know I should.

The armor of God rusting in the corner of the pit, engulfed in layers of negligence.

The weaker one's spiritual life is, the more vulnerable one becomes to the lies of the devil. The weaker one gets, the easier it is to stumble. Flaws in others become amplified to hide the flith in one's own soul. Impatience and arrogance take root, and form a barrier between man and God. Faith is forgotten, doubt reigns supreme.

To reach out for the tirelessly extended hand, to partake in His grace

You can't love someone you don't know. And you can't know a person unless time is spent together. Which, is precisely what I'm going to do now, before I join the rank of sanctimonious hypocrites I claim to detest. Heh, waitaminute, that thought isn't so right is it?

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