Saturday, November 04, 2006

Climb Harder

I have a bouldering competition in two hours at Singapore Polytechnic. Climbaprix, an invitation only competition open to school climbers. Not sure if the JCs are invited, but I guess the university and polytechnic climbers will all be there. I climbed only once this week; Monday. Rest of the time? Too busy studying, or trying to study.

Had a political science test on Thursday that was worth 30% of the total grade. It's crazy, not writing a single paper on any political science topic and suddenly asked to do a test in 45mins involving page long essays. I did the best I could, wrote non-stop till my wrist ached, and answered all the questions to the best of my ability. If I still fail, I should probably start looking for a job and get my ass out of NUS.

Climb, climb harder. Work, work smarter.

Just started learning MIPS assembly language, the only programming I will be doing this semester. If I screw this up too .. well .. refer to above about getting out of school.

Broke! What's a license without a car? It's like having the liberty to own property without possessing the material means to acquire one. That's Marx's criticism of Liberalism. =D

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