Thursday, November 09, 2006


Stupid people. There's a female paul-twohill sitting in front of me right now in political science lecture and I don't think she's terribly bright.

Those of you who know how lecture theaters are designed will be familiar with the terracing; meaning that each row of seats is on a different level. Now, if you were to bring a drink into the theater, you would be smart to put it behind your seat, against the wall, instead of behind your seat, ON the next level, one foot away from the feet of the person sitting above you.

Coupled with the fact that the person(ie. Me) is using a laptop whose screen blocks my vision makes for a very probable "oops! i'm sorry!" scenario. That hasn't happened yet, but I have to be careful about where I swing my legs, and that's irritating.

And she's not even cute.

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