Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sponge off me

There are books that merely entertain, some pull you into their fictional world, but you emerge with your views and philosophies unchanged - you're exactly the same as before you read the book. Maybe you've learned a couple of new words, maybe you've a better idea of elves, of faraway places you've never been to, or experienced vicariously a medieval past where knights are honorable and stupid. That's the beauty of reading, for your imagination paints unique pictures only you can enjoy; the same book never stimulates the imagination of another the same way it does yours.

And then there are books that are so beautifully written they wrap your mind around the author's philosophies and by their subtle teasing and leading, the reader reaches the end of the book with inclinations much like the author's.

Read Oscar Wilde, and his satirical style starts showing in your writing, his apparently debauched views of life and love become your own and becoming morally decadent seems almost fashionable.

Our minds are like sponges, absorbing everything we come across presented in a variety of medias. Magazine, movies, television programs follow a culture that's currently in vogue and that becomes pop culture when people invariably adopt the particularities of that culture, emulating its fashion, speech and style.

The more time you spend with a person, the more you adopt his or her mannerisms, or the more he becomes like you, depending on who has the dominant personality.

Is there then any room for original thought? Is there any view you hold strongly that you can safely say is truly yours? Why will reading the bible everyday help in your Christian living? Perhaps it's the for very same reason that your mind wraps around the text you read, and by reading the word of God on a daily basis, you naturally become inclined towards Him and towards his commandments.

Now playing: Death Cab For Cutie - Champagne from a paper cup
via FoxyTunes

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