Wednesday, September 17, 2008

White as Snow

Snow falls swiftly in a storm, quickly blotting out the sins of the land. All is engulfed; litter, goose poo, mud and gunk, tarmac and concrete. What was once filthy and dull becomes hidden under a blanket of soft, white, snow.

As long as the storm rages, the rest of nature waits. And if we so choose to look, we'll marvel at the beauty of the land.

All good things, however, must come to an end. Soon the storm runs its course, and for a precious few moments, the land remains beautiful. And of course, life resumes.

A funny thing happens now though; the snow that so effectively hid ugliness from our eyes now serves only to highlight it. A pile of goose poo stands out in stark contrast against the white snow, and snow on the tarmac melts into a dirty brown slush.

Now playing: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
via FoxyTunes

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