Sunday, August 22, 2004

Flung out of Eden

we were young, innocent and fresh
curious about the ways of the world
marvelling at the wonders of creation

movement of the clouds
up in the clear blue sky
never ceased to amaze us seeing
silhouettes of animals and angels
playing before our eyes

we were loved and cherished
adored and cared for
without a single worry in the world

running in the fields
splashing in the pool
swinging high on the swings
look mum i'm flying

we were filled with naive trust
believing without a doubt
promises and assurances
the world made to us

sitting with quiet musing
frowning for the first time
single drop of tear
glistening in the light
why won't they play with me?

we were laden with heavy burdens
loads unfair for a child to bear
stumbling along the beaten path
to find one's true self

realising time and time again
the evils of our kind
friends smiling to our face
snarling when we turn

we were hurt and broken
betrayed and fooled
flung out of eden
into despair consuming


I don't want to lose, what I might have already lost. Call me lazy, but living in this world is kinda tiring don't you think?

I just woke up from a nap. I dreamt that I was in an art gallery with a friend, and we were laughing as we drifted from art piece to art piece, admiring the paintings, sculptures and even the general decor of the place. Let me try to describe it. Hm .. okay, generally wood was all around. Haha. Wood in a deep, rich color. The paintings were mostly huge, with elaborate gold borders. Cliche-ish decor I suppose, as I've never actually been inside an art gallery apart from the little one in Takashimaya.

Both my friend and I were having so much fun we lost track of time, and ended up spending an entire day in the gallery. A sales assistant in the form of a cute girl of similar age came and pointedly told us that the night show was about to begin, and, her words, not mine, "female friends" are not allowed inside the gallery during the show.

I looked at my friend, shrugged, and walked out of the gallery. Quite a long walk. Huge place.
As we were exiting, the cute sale assistant caught up with me and said I could stay, and said something along the lines of "stay for the night show. It's worth it."

Er, somehow I left my friend outside and went in. I entered the darkened gallery and noticed that stars of ultra-violet lights were everywhere, lending to the illusion of being in .. well .. outer space? Really Cool. I was handed a pair of white frame glasses and when I put them on, it seemed that I could see through parts of all the paintings on a particular wall. They were enormous paintings .. I can't remember the details .. but the sections of the paintings that were translucent were like stained glass, except that instead of sunlight shining through, the area shimmered, and when I moved my head to alter my angle of vision, it seemed that the scene changes. I walked down the aisle, noticing in amazement that the "stained glass" areas of each painting seems to be speaking the same language, telling the same story, and conveying to the viewer a sense of uncomprehendable wonder. Not that the amazement that I felt was uncomprehendable, but the story they were telling was uncomprehendable.

I didn't understand. But still I walked on, focusing only on the aesthetics of the displays. Okay, now I remember. The paintings were like the frescos and paintings I saw online of Michaelangelo and Leonardo, but the stained glass areas revealed modern engineering, like a ferris wheel .. and .. a pair of black frame plastic specs. (Japheth came over to my place before I took our nap and we talked out having to make black plastic specs for NS)

Fascinating. Okay, I still remember the rest of the dream, but its pretty .. weird. Haha, nonsensical and "classified".

Oh, and in the same nap, I dreamt that while the entire family was in my uncle's car, a old man appeared sitting on my right. I took one look at him, and realised that the old man was my .. grandfather. Different in appearence, but his identity was that of my grandfather. And as dreams would have it, our conversations seemed to be focused on a piece of Yahoo! Email. Ok, I'll spare you guys the boring details, but basically he was unhappy that my elder cousin was attending church. He said in a sombre voice that Wesley, my elder cousin, was not supposed to be a Christian, while I tried to pacify him.

It seemed that no one else knew he was dead, only me. I had the Yahoo! Email screenshot in my head;an email that said my grandfather was dead. A chill shot down my spine, and up again. After I successfully persuaded him to leave, I hung my head between my knees .. shuddering while a sheen of cold sweat formed over my skin. Jasmin leaned over and asked me what was wrong. I stuttered, "That was ah gong. Ah Gong is dead."

Anyway, for your information, my grandfather died before I was born. When my mum returned home for the first time from the hospital, my granddad's wake was being conducted.

This thought crossed my mind in the dream, "What on earth is ah gong doing here?! Isn't he supposed to be ....... burning in hell? Or at least in heaven." Where do people go after they die? Not up? Not down? Left to wander from place to place until judgement day? Okay, another note, in reality, this is subjective, depends on which part of the bible you quote.

I think I'm crazy. It was a 2 hour nap. And I really have a lot of work to do ..

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